Credit: Ameni Esseibi and danamercer represention that weight gain is not a problem. It’s all started in 18 th century and modern problems need modern solutions. In this criteria of “Overweight means ugly” basically falls in every gender whether it’s male or female but still society put more pressure on women because she was expected to be “perfect” infront of everyone eye’s and this perfect doesn’t mean being yourself, this perfect means being according to the society’s build up norms. Even though weight gain is a problem for some and solution for some. Solution for those who are underweight but healthy (but not perfect as per society’s specialize opinion) and problem for those who...
Feminism is a belief that women should have the same rights and opportunities as men so I give you positive outlook in this movement for equality. What is sex positivity? Like many terms within feminism, sex positivity means different things to different people. As a broad ideology and world view, sex positivity is simply the idea that all sex, as long as it is healthy and explicitly consensual, is a positive thing.