Weight gain is a problem? let’s have a Feminist Approach on this.
Credit: Ameni Esseibi and danamercer represention that weight gain is not a problem.
It’s all started in 18th century and modern problems need modern solutions. In this criteria of “Overweight means ugly” basically falls in every gender whether it’s male or female but still society put more pressure on women because she was expected to be “perfect” infront of everyone eye’s and this perfect doesn’t mean being yourself, this perfect means being according to the society’s build up norms.
Even though weight gain is a problem for some and solution for some. Solution for those who are underweight but healthy (but not perfect as per society’s specialize opinion) and problem for those who are overweight but healthy (But society won’t accept you like this too – reminder you should be “perfect”). I will give you an amazing solution for this problem in the end of this article. In Ancient times curvy or large bodies in women seen as a sign of husband’s wealth or family’s wealth and women child bearing propensity. With modernization, scarce resources, overpopulation, exchange of ideas and growing interest for classical antiquity (made slimmer Greek and Roman bodies the ideal in European society).
In post war year in America and some other countries psychologists bought the idea of a created a positive image for thinness and newspapers started quoting fat with “ugliness” but till now India still stick to the idea of “fat is prosperity” that is good obviously. This continues in India maybe because in India exchange of ideas started a little later than other parts of the world.
This same idea of India continues till 1970s and 1980s but the usual change came in 90s when the globalization fashion Industry and fitness Industry came in India and the idea of thinness started depicting in Bollywood movies more frequently. With this arrival of fitness Industry size zero started to become the ideal body type for most of the celebrities and the celebrities who didn’t fit into this idea started to be trolled and body shamed by audience. Directors also started put more pressure on actresses to be more thin and sexy for a favourable screen show in the Movies. Fitness Industry started a rigorous advertisement of their products which is depicted as a solution obviously for “fat women” to make them slim, desirable and acceptable. Bollywood movies also shows fat women as usually short tempered, ugly, one dimensional and undesirable by men and actor. In some movies gaining weight after marriage is also shows undesirable.
Body Image refers to a person’s subjective perception of their own body which may be different from how their body actually appears. Feelings, thoughts and behaviour related to body image can have a major impact on your mental health and how you treat yourself. Problems that can emerge as a result of poor body image include depression, low self-esteem, eating disorders.