Stories by Rabindranath Tagore’ is a television series based on the novels and short stories of the Nobel Laureate, Rabindranath Tagore. It was directed by Anurag Basu and originally aired on Epic TV in 2015, it can now be found on Netflix. Basu had adapted the show from Tagore’s stories to suit the understanding of contemporary times. Rabindranath Tagore's writings were known for being ahead of his time as he wrote about many matters which is still considered taboo. He had written so many stories that take you on the journey of emotions, relativeness, and peace with cultural accuracy. Today I will discuss one of his story which depicted a journey of a woman realizing her talent and worth. The story starts with Giribala and Gopinath which got married when they both were children. As child marriages were common at that time in Bengal, Rabindranath has shown that in their stories too so that we can have a more clear idea of prevailing time and cultures followed in that time in Beng...
STORY OF AN OUTRAGEOUS AND LIVELY PRINCESS MARGARET Let’s start from the beginning of her life. Margaret was born on 21 august 1930 at Glamis Castle in Scotland, in her mother’s ancestral home, and was affectionately known as Margot within the royal family. As per the royal rule, some particular people and caretakers are appointed to be at the place or room where the royal mother gives birth to take care of the child and mother and accurately note the time and gender of the baby. The home secretary J.R Clynes, was present at the time of Margaret's birth to verify the birth. The registration of her birth had been delayed for several days to avoid her being numbered 13 in the parish register because in some cultures 13 is known to be an unlucky number. She was the fourth legal successor in the line of succession to the British throne. Her father was the Duke of York the second son of King George V and Queen Mary. The Duchess of York originally wanted to name her second daughter Ann...